CWIT Scholar, C14
Major: Computer Science
Minor: Creative Writing
Expected Graduation: 2019
I’m immensely grateful for the experiences I’ve had at UMBC these past few years. Inbetween coding decision trees and penning short stories, I’ve been an Intro to Computer Science teaching assistant, as well as an organizer and secretary for HackUMBC. Over the summers, I’ve interned with Lockheed Martin, Altamira Technologies, and JPMorgan Chase & Co. Clichéd as it sounds, I couldn’t have pursued all of these opportunities without the support of CWIT. I’ve flown to Texas for the Grace Hopper Conference, climbed icicles at CWIT Retreat, and bonded (read: stayed up late doing homework) with other scholars and affiliates on the CWIT LLC; it’s certainly safe to say that my college years would not have been the same without this community. I’m lucky to have connected with incredible people who not only inspire me with their intelligence and kindness, but also challenge me to be a better me.