T-SITE Scholar, T5
Major: Information Systems
Expected Graduation: 2018
Internships: Noblis Software Engineering Intern;
Yes, You can Touch This: Designing Prototypes for Interactive Museum Spaces
My name is Jessica and this is my last semester at UMBC. It’s been quite a ride. I feel like a totally different person. I would have never imagined myself spending a Spring Break volunteering in Baltimore or attending the Grace Hopper Conference. Because of my experiences with CWIT and UMBC, I feel very excited to step out into the real world. I know that whatever challenges I may encounter, I will be able to face them with a smile. I hope to continue CWIT’s mission of increasing diversity in STEM. To any freshman or transfers considering joining CWIT, I say do it! You will get an experience unlike any other. You will be part of a community that both pushes you and supports you, where you are allowed to make mistakes but there is always someone to celebrate your accomplishments. It’s been awesome, and I hope every UMBC student gets to experience a community like CWIT.