2024 CWIT Community Awards



CWIT Community Awards recognize the contributions of exemplary members of our community, increase the

visibility of their impact, and inspire others to help further the CWIT mission and uphold the CWIT values.

Awardees were recognized on May 6, 2024 for their outstanding contributions to the CWIT community.

Click here to view a recording of the Ceremony!


Student Academic Excellence Award

Meredith Morse

CWIT Scholar | Chemical Engineering

Biotechnology & Bioengineering track

Eligibility: 2023-2024 CWIT Scholars, Cyber Scholars, Cyber Associates, T-SITE Scholars & CWIT Affiliates

A student who has developed a lifelong love for learning and discovery not only in the classroom, but also through applied learning and co-curricular experiences. Maintains a minimum 3.25 cumulative GPA.


Student Professional Excellence Award

Amina El-Ashry

CWIT Scholar | Information Systems

Eligibility: 2023-2024 CWIT Scholars, Cyber Scholars, Cyber Associates, T-SITE Scholars & CWIT Affiliates

A student who demonstrates the knowledge and tools to effectively navigate their careers and to be change agents in creating technology workplaces that are diverse, equitable, and inclusive.


Student Inclusive Excellence Award

Wendy Bickersteth

CWIT Scholar | Information Systems

Certificates: User Experience, Web & Mobile Development Honors College

Eligibility: 2023-2024 CWIT Scholars, Cyber Scholars, Cyber Associates, T-SITE Scholars & CWIT Affiliates.

A student who regularly shares their thoughts and ideas and engages in thoughtful discussion when their ideas differ from others’. They strive to participate and create a community where people across all identities feel included, valued, and heard. The student exhibits bravery and vulnerability among CWIT community members and engages in healthy and inclusive communication.


Student Personal Excellence Award

Madeline Degraw

Cyber Scholar | Computer Science

Cybersecurity Track

Eligibility: 2023-2024 CWIT Scholars, Cyber Scholars, Cyber Associates, T-SITE Scholars & CWIT Affiliates.

A student who has learned to become their own advocates and to face difficult situations head-on, while also understanding when and how to seek help. The individual acts with integrity, treats others with dignity and respect, and takes initiative to develop as leaders throughout their time in our programs.


Exemplary Peer Mentor Award

Claire Kim

Cyber Scholar | Computer Science Major

Psychology Minor

President of hackUMBC, CWIT SC Treasurer


Vy Nguyen

Cyber Scholar | Computer Science

Eligibility: Current Scholars and Affiliates, in the role of a Peer Mentor in 2023-2024 academic year.

The Exemplary Peer Mentor Award is given to a current CWIT Peer Mentor who has demonstrated CWIT’s values, while actively supporting and mentoring their mentee(s).


Exemplary Faculty Mentor Award

 Dr. Maria Sanchez

Director of the Engineering & Computing Education Program

Eligibility: Current Faculty Mentor in 2023-2024 academic year.

The Exemplary Faculty Mentor Award is given to a current CWIT Faculty Mentor who has demonstrated CWIT’s values, while actively supporting and mentoring their mentee(s).


Exemplary Industry Mentor Award

 Matthew Seligman

Technical Director, Analytic Services NSA

Eligibility: Current or past CWIT Industry Mentor.

The Exemplary Industry Mentor Award is given to current or past CWIT Industry Mentor who has demonstrated CWIT’s value of professional excellence, while actively supporting and mentoring their mentee(s) in the area of career development.


Outstanding Campus Partner Award

Karen D. Mattingly

Coordinator | COEIT


Eligibility: Any UMBC faculty, staff, or unit that has collaborated with the CWIT staff in 2023-2024.

The Outstanding Campus Partner Award is given to an individual or department who has actively collaborated with the Center for Women in Technology towards the CWIT mission and goals.


Outstanding Research Partner Award

Dr. Andrea Kleinsmith

Associate Professor | Department of Information Systems


Dr. Karen Chen

Associate Professor | Department of Information Systems

Eligibility: An individual or unit who has served as a co-principal investigator or collaborative unit on a CWIT educational research project OR any UMBC faculty member who has involved one or more CWIT students in their research.

The Outstanding Research Partner Award is given to an individual or unit who has actively collaborated with the Center for Women in Technology towards the CWIT educational research goals, and/or has involved CWIT student(s) in their own research activities.


Outstanding Alumni Partner Award

Natacha Ngea

M.S and B.S in Computer Engineering

Eligibility: Alumni of the Center for Women in Technology who have collaborated with the CWIT staff in the 2023-2024 academic year.

The Outstanding Alumni Partner Award is given to a Scholar or Affiliate alumni who has made outstanding contributions in time and talent to the Center for Women in Technology in advancement of the CWIT mission.


Outstanding Professional Volunteer Award

Richard Wright

GM, HUD IT Services & Engineering | Lockheed Martin

Eligibility: A non-UMBC individual who has collaborated with the CWIT staff in 2023-2024.

The Outstanding Professional Volunteer Award is given to a group or individual who has made outstanding contributions in time and talent to the Center for Women in Technology in advancement of the CWIT mission.


Shining Star Award

DePaula “Dee” Kemmert

Owner | Glenmore Catering


Sam Scheck

CWIT Scholar | Computer Science Major

Gender, Women’s & Sexuality Studies Minor

Eligibility: 2022-2023 CWIT Scholars, Cyber Scholars, Cyber Associates, T-SITE Scholars & CWIT Affiliates.

This award recognizes a CWIT community member who has made significant and unique contributions to advancing CWIT’s mission, enhancing the success of CWIT and its students, or strengthening the community.