Yumi Yee

CWIT Scholar, C19
Major: Information Systems
Minor: Computer Science and Chinese
Expected Graduation: 2024

Before coming to UMBC and CWIT I’ve always been a very anxious person. I remember my day of the scholar interview I was so nervous, I was too scared to look around and talk to my peers. But after joining CWIT I became more open and more comfortable and took on many leadership positions that CWIT has offered. CWIT pushed me to break out of my shell and tried new things.

Other Facts

Campus Involvement

  • 2020-2021 CWIT Student Council Freshmen Representative
  • CWIT Student Assistant

Future Plans

Hoping to get a job in web development or user experience/user interface.

What is your favorite part about CWIT?

The opportunities CWIT has!

Describe a faculty or staff member who has made a positive impact on our time at UMBC

Erica D’eramo, ever since I’ve been accepted into CWIT and into UMBC, Erica has always been there to listen and to talk to, and over all being a every great support system for all of us!