Sam Scheck

CWIT Scholar, C19
Major: Computer Science
Expected Graduation: 2024

Hello! My name is Sam, my pronouns are they/them, and I am a CWIT scholar. I am majoring in computer science and I am super excited about the problem solving opportunities that computer science, data analysis, and AI present. CWIT supports these passions by pushing me each semester to think about the ways in which I can further my understanding and passion. Even as a sophomore, I haves already had a ton of help finding internship opportunities and resources for my classes through CWIT, which has been a great relief as well as a great privilege. CWIT also has encouraged me to pursue different avenues of participating in the computer science field – I help lead the K-12 Recruitment and Ambassadors Committee in CWIT which reaches out in order to encourage younger people who identify with underrepresented identities to be excited about the STEM field. This allows me to connect with computer science on a very personal level and has been one of my favorite CWIT experiences.

Other Facts

Past/Current Research

JHU APL CIRCUIT Program: Deep reinforcement learning, natural language processing, and robotics operating systems

Past/Current Internships

John Daniel Associates: Business analytics, website building

What is your favorite part about CWIT?

The community that we get to be a part of!