Leah Prince

CWIT Scholar, C20
Major: Computer Science
Expected Graduation: 2025

What I love about CWIT is the support that can come from this community. Being a woman in tech can be an isolating experience at times. When I was in high school, I struggled with being the only girl in my programming classes and going into college, I was nervous that it’d be the same thing all over again. Fortunately, by confiding in amazing peer and faculty mentors, I can feel the support in pursuing my computer science degree. My mentors also let me know about possible internships and other opportunities and are more than willing to help in any way possible, which I love! I also like that I can help other people feel less alone in tech by being involved in K-12 programs, such as Cyber 101. I can’t wait to see what the rest of my college career will look like with the help of CWIT!

Other Facts

Past/Current Internships

Intern at The Brick Companies (financial tech)

Campus Involvement

  • Cyber Defense Team
  • Black Student Union
What is your favorite part about CWIT?

My favorite part about CWIT are monthly meetings with Erica! It’s really nice to recap how I’m doing over the semester and know that I have someone in my corner rooting for my success. She also lets me know about any opportunities I may be interested in.