Daniel Diseroad

Cyber Scholar, Y5
Majors: Computer Science and Math
Graduation: 2020

UMBC has allowed me to fulfill my passion for learning about Computer Science and Mathematics in an academic environment that encourages excellence. The CWIT community adds to that push for excellence and adds a supportive and inclusive social environment that assists me in my journey to reach my academic and career goals. The CWIT program also provides resources for all scholars and affiliates that range from networking events to a social event to help us pick our classes, both of which have been an immense help to me in my academic journey. CWIT has been essential in my search to find an internship and will continue to be helpful in finding a full time job when I am close to graduation. I am extremely thankful to be a part of this fantastic program and I am excited for my continuing role in it during my time at UMBC and after graduation.