Sam Mendimasa

T-SITE Scholar, T5
Major: Computer Science -Computer Security track
Expected Graduation Year: 2018

I have always loved programming, solving challenges that required critical thinking, and participating in environment-related activities. Hence, selecting my major and deciding to attend UMBC was an easy choice. I knew that attending UMBC would help me cultivate the necessary skills needed for success not only in my major but also for my other personal interests. Since I‘ve come to UMBC, I have not been disappointed. Although the coursework can be difficult at times, I always have support from my peers and professors. I am also extremely fortunate to be a part of UMBC CWIT and the T-Site scholar’s program, which has had a profound impact on my character and is definitely one of the major reasons that I love attending UMBC. CWIT has provided me with countless opportunities and has gotten me in touch with so many inspiring people who I can turn to for help in any aspect of my life. Additionally, CWIT has really helped me understand the importance of diversity not only in the classroom, but also in industry, and has provided me with the necessary skills to make a positive impact on my environment and to ensure that everyone else around feels safe and accepted. Currently, I am a proud retriever, a senior computer science student, and an active environmental advocate. After I graduate, I plan to pursue a master’s degree also in Computer Science and work as a Cyber Software engineer. I am and will forever be grateful to UMBC and CWIT.